Saúde mental e atenção básica: compreendendo os matriciamentos realizados por um núcleo de apoio à saúde da família (NASF) no sul do Brasil

dc.contributor.advisorGrzybowski, Luciana Suárez
dc.contributor.advisor-coMoreira, Mariana Calesso
dc.contributor.authorSilva, Bruno Moraes da
dc.descriptionDissertação (Mestrado)-Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia e Saúde, Fundação Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre.pt_BR
dc.description.abstract-enThe Family Health Support Center (NASF) was developed with the purpose of supporting the consolidation of Basic Health Care in Brazil. Also, it aims to qualify the healthcare offerings in the service network, as well as increasing the resolution, scope, and target of the actions of the Family Health Strategy. Among the functions of NASF is the matrix support, fundamental for the lack of mental health in Basic Health Care services to be overcome. In this sense, this study aims to identify the scenario of mental health in Basic Health Care from patients that have been supported by a NASF from Porto Alegre, Brazil’s south. This research had a mixed sequential design, being divided into two studies. Study 1 had a quantitative approach, of transversal character, from the analysis of 229 forms of matrix support. The data analysis was performed in a descriptive way through frequency tables and the chi-square statistical test was used to analyze the association between the variables. It was possible to identify a prevalence of female patients (73,8%) with a mean age of 39.49 years (SD = 14,051). The most frequent diagnostic hypotheses were depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety. We found associations between sex and diagnostic hypothesis, use and type of medication, indicating a higher prevalence of disorders and use of medication among women. It should be emphasized that the type of support most accomplished by NASF was the case discussion and the most prevalent single therapeutic plan was medicine prescriptions and referral to specialized services. Study 2 had a qualitative, exploratory and analytical approach. A semi-structured interview was conducted, with 3 patients of Basic Health Care with the diagnosis of depression, the mental health problem most prevalent in Study 1. The method used to work the information obtained through the interviews was the analysis of content, in its modality of thematic analysis. Four categories were observed in the discourses: What make me feel good?; The role of social support; The reversal of the care pyramid and Beyond the conventional care. The focus on medication and specialized services were highlighted, same as the results of Study 1. In addition, the family members’ misunderstanding about depression and the lack of health promotion activities in the community were reported, which reverberate negatively about the patient who is ill. Therefore, it is necessary to rethink the mental health care practices in Basic Health Care, with emphasis on health promotion activities, overcoming the specialist and medication scenario.pt_BR
dc.relation.requiresAdobe Readerpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto Após Período de Embargo*
dc.subjectAtenção Primária à Saúdept_BR
dc.subjectEstratégia Saúde da Famíliapt_BR
dc.subjectSaúde Mentalpt_BR
dc.subject[en] Primary Health Careen
dc.subject[en] Family Health Strategyen
dc.subject[en] Mental Healthen
dc.titleSaúde mental e atenção básica: compreendendo os matriciamentos realizados por um núcleo de apoio à saúde da família (NASF) no sul do Brasilpt_BR
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[DISSERTAÇÃO] Silva, Bruno Moraes da
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